Thursday, September 10, 2009

Sushi and Mission

Often when we think of Church, we are limited to the institutional church. We forget that the people are the Church. When we think of mission or ministry we focus too often on the structures of the church. This is the wrong approach. We should instead begin with the basics—love of God and the love of our neighbor. Our ministry should flow from those basic commitments. In a recent article for the Presbyterian News Service, Rev. Mark Lau Branson, a professor at Fuller Seminary, gives an example from his own church of mission which doesn’t begin with structures.
A woman at his church noticed that many people were homebound and in need of meals. His church is largely Japanese-American, but Meals on Wheels does not serve Japanese food. The woman got a group together to deliver sushi, not only providing cultural food but time for conversation. The church has no budget for this, but the women didn’t let that stop them — they just did it.
If you are a Christian, you are the Church. If you are the Church, you are involved in mission. This can be at your workplace, in your family, and with your neighbors.